Sunday, January 10, 2010


i want to be comfortable for once.dont get me wrong, i love life on the edge, but i need a familiarity to my life. something as a constant besides

i want to be comfortable in my skin. i always feel overweight. even though i know im not technically obese or overweight in the slightest. but i want to be fit. not stick thin but teetering on the brink. i know that its horrible. but i honestly dont consider it an
eating disorder.

theres two different me's.
rachael and clemontine. i like to think that anyway, it makes life simpler.
when i am rachael, i am sober, peppy, a goody girl, aka katie huse.(the god of plain and nerdy)
clemontine is a daring young woman, mysterious, lurking and ponderful. she's everything that rachael is not. she is seductive and luring. everyone loves clemontine. no one enjoys rachael.
i am not schizo in the least.
dont worry. (hah)
i know i am only one person.
                                                           pretty much.

heres my twenty ten overview so far...

  • first- spent the first five minutes with a boy who i thought would stick around. ( what a joke that was) * 

  • second- *

  • third- marcella comes home from kentucky. had sex with said boy. *

  • fourth- said boy stopped talking to me. (shocker) *

  • fifth- *

  • sixth- finally school started again. *

  • seventh- checked myself out of school and went to see my grandma in the hospital. but i went back sixth hour to finish some homework. *

  • eighth- checked myself out of school because i felt like it. (i have to stop doing that or im going to fail) also partied (completely shit faced me) and met a boy. (isiah) *

  • nineth- hung out with isiah all day and his buddy george.played pool, watched movie, partied again. went home at eleven.  isiah asked me out and i said yes. we will see how that goes. *

  • tenth- snuck out at one thirty a.m. partied once more. went home around four. church at ten thirty. (aka death) hung out with isiah and george again. work at five. grocery shopping at nine. home at ten. *

  • eleventh- is yet to be known. update soon.

(*)= toked that reefer.