Monday, January 11, 2010

im just pissed.

i have three boyfriends.
fuck my life.
isiah cant grasp anything past booze or sports, and he says he loves me. after three days of dating.
dominic is so young and i dont know if he can handle me. i have had him wrapped around my finger for almost a month and a half.
frankie is a smooth talker from vegas and im not sure i can trust him exactly.

i dont even know exactly how this happened.

and my fucking mom.
i mean i am glad i have one but shit.
she's on my laptop all the damn time and i have ten minutes before she wants it back. what kind of fucked up shit is that??
she is so fucking high maintenence.
she quits her job on a whim all the fucking time. and then expects me to pick up her slack. and you would think that since she has been unemployed for a month that she can like clean house and shit right? but instead she sits on her lazy ass and watches tv or uses my laptop when she isnt sleeping of course. she is so embarassing. she asks every guy i bring home if they are a serial killer to break the ice. what. the. fuck.
just a little bit of venting i suppose.

back to my real situation...
it started out like this.
i was talking to dominic for a couple weeks but then he got arrested for smoking cigarettes at walgreens so he is grounded until the twenty first. that happened about a month ago. christmas break rolls around and of course since i cant hang out with dominic i have to make up for it somehow. so i met a guy named frankie at a show and we hit it off real well. lots in common and a total sweetheart. he was nineteen at the time but his birthday was the seventh and so i bought him a sixty dollar jacket as a present. gave it to him the sunday prior and also had sex. that night was the last time i hung out with him. and he would hardly text me back so i thought that was over just in time to go back to school and pick up where i left off with dominic. last friday however i went to a little party and met this guy isiah and he's a gentleman but i thought he would have a little more experience. he asked me out on saturday and today he has announced that he loves me. this guy moves quick, he will probably propose to me next week at this rate. just a little while ago i had the nerve to text frankie. i am not so sure if this was a good or bad call. he seems to act like nothing ever happened and that today is last monday. not literally but he texts me back and says i was wondering when you were going to text me. what the hell? i texted him happy birthday on thursday and he never so much as said thank you. i have no fucking clue what i am going to do. i like them all but in different aspects. i wish i could just take all the good stuff out of them and make one amazing guys instead of just three okay ones.
anywho. i have to go...
my mom needs "her" computer back.